Tradeonix Pro + Maxinator Pro EA(FULL 2023)
Tradeonix Pro + Maxinator Pro EA
gives you crystal clear signals, and with a quick glance at the indicators you will know whether or not a trade is one with the potential to make you big money.
- So you can start building your account into a job-replacing income and quit your job.
999,00 $ Original price was: 999,00 $.28,95 $Current price is: 28,95 $.
Full Product Description:
Content: Full Content ,with Huge files (Video-s,Pdf,All explanations,indicators,templates,user manual..).Around 1.33Gb + ,“MAXINATOR PRO EA” – Semi auto EA
updated and refreshed ex4
Original website :
Original price : $499
updated and refreshed ex4
“What You Are About To Read Shocked And Astonished The Trading Community Because I Decided To Share The One Thing Most Of Them Can’t Do – Make Money. Reading This Letter Could Be The Last Time You Ever Need To Worry About Money… Even If You Have Never Traded A Day In Your Life”
You don’t realize it yet, but in the next few minutes you will have cut through all the hype, misinformation, half-truths, and outright lies that have been keeping you from making as much money as you could be.Because I’m about to share with you the biggest secret to financial security in the world…
This information will never be shared in a forum, on a blog, in a newsletter, or anywhere else but right here, right now.
In the next few minutes I am going to give you complete power over your financial future, so read every word of this now.This information is so powerful it has changed the lives of thousands of people just like you. It has transformed cab drivers, waiters, retail clerks, construction workers, civic employees, and people from every walk of life imaginable into pillars of wealth and status.It’s not some magical formula, automated trading system, or the latest get-rich-quick-scheme. Those are for dreamers and suckers and they never work.It’s also not the latest greatest technology that will trade for you.I know technology is all the rage in trading right now, and even some big institutions are trading using it, but that’s NOT how people like you and me get rich.This is what makes traders wealthy…
Having a tried and tested unfair advantage that has been proven to work in all market conditions.
Which is far easier than most people think, as you will soon see.It is simply a few simple yet unbendable laws of trading that most everyone misses, which have kept them from the success they so desperately desire and deserve.The few things those who have made fortunes trading know, and do, every day, yet never share.And while I am going to show you how the careful use of limited technology makes trading far easier and more accurate, it is NOT what is going to make you a wealthy trader.
The fact is that everyone I know who has become wealthy through trading made their money because they love the game.
You are about to see how to play the game to win and win big.I am about to share some things that could make you money most every time you sit down to trade, and it’s not what you think or what others have been telling you.
Imagine how good it will feel to finally know the REAL secrets to making a good living as a Forex trader.
October 2020 – 124.83% Gain
Keep reading because you have everything to gain and nothing to lose…
Throughout this presentation I will walk you through several trades to demonstrate how quickly you could change your life.Every one of the trades you will see could easily have been yours. All I did was follow the exact strategy I am about to share with you. It’s not complicated and in my opinion it is absolutely foolproof.As you read every word of this letter you will discover how to make money consistently, each and EVERY month, even if you can only find a few minutes each day to trade.
- So you can start building your account into a job-replacing income and quit your job.
- So you never need to worry about having enough money to retire comfortably without taking on a second career or asking people at Walmart if they would like a shopping cart.
- So you know your family’s financial future is secure.
- So you can become a professional full-time trader if that’s your goal.
Warren Buffett said…“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing”And I couldn’t agree more.
If you have been trading for a while now and still aren’t making a good living at it, let me say this…It’s not your fault.We all have been there.It’s virtually impossible to know who we should listen to and what is real in today’s digital age. There is so much information coming at us from every direction and most of it is useless.The biggest problems I faced when I first started trading were:
- I could not find a truly accurate, proven, and reliable system. One that was actually making money for other traders who were just like me.
- And none of the systems I found were being taught, and could be clearly explained by, the trader who created the system and really understood it.
- I could not get honest, reliable, and concrete answers to my biggest trading questions from a proven expert. Someone who had started where I was and went on to make a lot of money trading. In other words, someone who didn’t just talk the talk, but could also walk the walk.
- There were far too many inferior systems, indicators, and bogus trading robots being marketed as real solutions, only none of them worked.
Maybe you are experiencing these same exact problems?The lesson I eventually learned that turned it all around was that I should ONLY listen to people who were already successful traders…And I found them almost impossible to find.Sure, there were plenty of good traders out there, but they weren’t sharing. The only people really qualified to help me were too busy making money trading to teach me or anyone else.The people I did find online who were teaching others how to trade had no business doing so. It became quickly obvious they had never made a dime trading.So I had to learn through trial and error. And I lost a lot of money learning through the school of hard knocks.That’s why I am so committed to sharing what I have learned over the past 16 years with you today. So you don’t have to spend the time and money I did to become a consistently profitable trader.
My team and I have taught thousands of people from every walk of life how to make money trading and today we want to help you!
In just a minute you will realize why we are uniquely qualified to help you achieve your trading dream.You are ready for success, aren’t you? Then keep reading because you are about to have a major breakthrough in your ability to make money trading.Of course you have heard claims like that before. However, I assure you that what you will read here today will ring true to you, lift the curtain, and expose the real reason why some traders succeed and others fail.As you absorb this information you will realize that the reasons you have not made the money you hoped to when you first started trading are just a few simple things that can easily be remedied.And in the next few minutes I will give you everything you will ever need to turn it all around and start making money immediately.Regardless of whether your goal is to just make an extra $1,000.00 per month trading in your spare time, or to become a wealthy, full-time professional trader, what you are about to discover today could help you get there.Imagine for a moment that it’s a month from today and you are seeing your account grow at a rate you never thought possible.That each time you sit down to trade, even if it’s just a few minutes, you see your trading account grow.Or even…
In a moment I will show you how to easily make trades like that happen for you and show you many more examples, so keep reading…Now, I can almost hear you to saying, “I’ve heard all this before” and I am sure you probably have. That’s why I just want you to stay with me until the end of this letter so you can see how different this really is.Before I get into the nuts and bolts of this thing I want to make something perfectly clear…There is no Holy Grail or Magic Bullet. No one thing you can buy will solve all your trading problems and make you instantly profitable.Trading successfully, making money each and every month, and even becoming wealthy trading, takes a combination of things, all of which must co-exist in your trading. Let’s face it, if this was easy everyone would be doing it.
If you want to get rich trading you must have all the right things in place. Remove even one of these elements of successful trading and you are doomed to failure.
Put all of these in place and you create the perfect money-making storm, and could become very wealthy indeed.This is just a small amount of what you will discover here today…You are about to see, in action, a purely mechanical trading system that was never meant to be shared with the public. One designed for professional fund managers to give them the edge their clients demand from them.
- A mechanical system so powerful it has a long-term win rate of 83%, and yet still makes money even if you only win 35% of your trades. So you could start making money from your very first trades, even if you are a complete beginner.
- Indicators so accurate you could put duct tape over your price chart and still make a huge profit on most every trade.
- Software that makes trading far easier and less time consuming, yet does not replace the important truths about how you should trade, which you will discover here today.
- A knowledge base of trading information which has never been available to traders until now. It may be the most comprehensive database of proven trading methods known to man. You have quick access day or night to every tool and strategy you could ever need to make trading work for you.
- Personalized one-on-one, expert support to get you through any and every trading problem you encounter and answer any question that comes up. Available to you 24/7 at your convenience.
- The ability to personally ask any trading question you want, anytime you want, and get a prompt reply from us the same day. Think of us as your trading coaches who are always here to help you win.
We have taught over 10,000 people how to become even better traders and to start making real money trading. Some have gone on to become quite wealthy and are now living the dream.If you are one of them, then you probably already know our story. However, many of you don’t. If you don’t, then this next part will to be eye-opening.
The great entrepreneurial lie…
You have probably, like many, dreamed of owning your own business, thinking that was the ultimate goal in life.You may even have started a business and did well and the business grew. It might be that only then that did you realized you were not any different than your friends who had jobs working for others. You might even relate as one of the friends with a job.You see; most business owners or employees are just trading hours for money.Most owners are working as much as 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. And as their business grows, so do their overheads. In fact, most business owners will tell you that they don’t make much money. By the time all the bills are paid, they are left with a mediocre wage.You might even hardly ever see much of your family and for many it doesn’t take long before they become the poster child for burn out.See, most businesses, even big proven franchises which cost a fortune to start, are nothing more than a glorified job. You either put in the long hours and work hard, or you fail.That’s when many discovered trading and like so many bought into the dream of easy money the marketers were peddling.Most try every system and indicator they could get their hands on and listened to every supposed online guru they can find. Some even got into the robot fad that swept through trading like a tsunami washing people’s money out to sea.To make a long story short, many tried it all and lost plenty of money in the process.It took me a long time to finally realize that there are no short cuts to success as a trader…
One thing, and one thing only, separates the men from the boys when it comes to trading… Knowledge
Sure, the system you are using is important. Not even the best race car driver in the world can win the Indy 500 in a minivan.If you were to put a sixteen year old who has just learned to drive behind the wheel of a formula-one racecar, the outcome isn’t going to be pretty.To put this into perspective from a trading point of view: I have just finished the final testing of the best system I believe has ever been developed. If I were to just hand it to you without teaching you how to trade it or at least giving you clear instructions, I doubt you would make much money with it.It takes both knowledge and the right system to win big in Forex. I’m sure someone as intelligent as you would agree.That’s why we have put together what I believe to be the ultimate advantage for any trader…The most powerful, profitable and easy-to-trade system I think has ever been created along with the hands-on training to ensure you get the most out of it.As you carefully read the rest of this letter, it is going to become apparent to you that we really have built a better mousetrap here.
Like most of us, you probably have had some successes and some failures as a trader. That’s OK. We all have.Today I want to help you become an even better trader than you already are, and arm you with the most powerful system and tools ever made.I want to give you every possible advantage so that nothing can stand in the way of you becoming wealthy.In just a minute you will see what makes this so different and superior to anything else that has ever been offered to traders.First though, let me explain how this all came about…As you may already know we have created some fantastic systems in the past. They have made thousands of traders a whole lot of money.Maybe you even are currently using one of them to trade with.If so, this is important, so pay close attention.There is nothing wrong with any of those systems. They are in no way outdated and they work just as well today as the day you bought them.The Tradeonix Pro system wasn’t created because the others weren’t great systems. It was created for another reason altogether.
This system was created to be used by fund managers
As you can guess a system that would attract professional fund managers would need to be ridiculously accurate.
These guys manage millions of dollars of other people’s money and they don’t mess around
The intention was to create a system that could be sold to the trading pros for $10,000.00 or more. So it had to be perfect.A decade later, and thousands of dollars spent, researching and perfecting what is now, in my humble opinion, the most profitable method of trading and the most accurate indicators ever conceived.There is no doubt that we could sell it to fund managers at a big hefty price tag.But after perfecting this system I noticed something important that changed everything.Even though this is a purely mechanical trading system, the indicators and the simple rules make it super easy and fast to trade.You can get into and out of profitable trades with far less effort than ever before.In a minute I’ll explain how it works. First, however, let me tell you about my epiphany. It dawned on me that while the Tradeonix Pro system is powerful enough for demanding fund managers…
It’s even better for busy part time traders who can find little time to trade
Because someone with a full-time job who can only trade a few minutes per day needs a system that will get them into profitable trades and out with a pile of cash as quickly and easily as possible.And this system, I believe, does that better than any system. It’s not even in the same category. It would be like comparing an old DOS computer’s speed and ease of use to that of the latest and fastest computer and processor running Windows 10.When I saw just how simple it was to follow the rules of the system and make money, I realized that we had to make this available to the people who needed it most. You.In just a minute you’ll see what makes this so different, but for now let me just show you how easy it is to make cash with Tradeonix Pro..
Once I saw how little time it took to make money with this, it was obvious that I had to make this system affordable, so that anyone could afford to have this huge advantage over the market
Because this was designed for busy fund managers who demand simple yet effective systems, Tradeonix Pro is easy to both learn and trade.There are just a few easy-to-follow rules and some top secret custom indicators that all appear on a single chart.One of these indicators is so accurate you could put duct tape over your screen to hide the chart and still make profitable trades just using the information that one indicator gives you.And…There are only really four basic steps to trading this system, which means you could easily learn it in a few hours’ time and start making money that very same day.I have come to the conclusion that everyone wants the same thing…
- A system that is simple to learn, understand, and trade.
- And one that above all else, actually works!
Sounds easy enough. You would think somewhere in the thousands of systems that have been marketed over the years one would exist that accomplished those two things well.In talking with thousands of traders we discovered something else…While most everyone we talk to desires to become a full-time trader who has no need of a job, most people who trade do currently work full time and have little time to trade.
So it is important that the system you use makes you money in the absolute shortest amount of time
Professional fund traders want the same thing. I want the same thing!That’s why a system was created that would make money, even if you only have a few minutes each day to trade.Tradeonix Pro gives you crystal clear signals, and with a quick glance at the indicators you will know whether or not a trade is one with the potential to make you big money.
There is just no need to sit there staring at charts for hours. That’s made that completely obsolete
Everything you are discovering here today is about you making money as fast as possible.Someone with just an average knowledge of trading should be able to learn this system and be up and running the same day.If you have never traded before, it may take you a bit longer to start seeing profitable trades, but even then it shouldn’t take you long.What makes this system so fast and easy to both learn and trade is that there are really only four steps to trading the system and the rules are crystal clear.If you ask anyone who has ever gotten rich through trading, you will discover that the systems they use are very simple.Remember, this system was created for fund managers. They demand systems that are no frills, no fluff, money-making machines.They won’t tolerate a system that doesn’t perform.Tradeonix Pro is the most accurate system I have ever seen in my decade plus years of trading. When all the rules are met and you enter a trade, odds are you are about to make some serious cash.Of course it doesn’t win every trade, no system does. It’s just not possible.However, it’s been made to be the lowest risk method of trading Forex you have likely ever seen.As I will soon explain, there is a way to trade this system that removes most all of your risk, allowing you to enter into zero-risk trades.More about that in a minute.The bottom line is this. Tradeonix Pro is proving itself to be the most consistently profitable system available anywhere at any price. The system flat out works.As you continue to read though you will see that this high performance pro system is just a part of the equation that could make you a highly successful and wealthy trader.I have also created the ultimate Forex data center and am filling it to overflowing with every money making method, tip, trick and hack we have. Each one personally tested so we know they work. As I said earlier, it is the knowledge of how to trade that makes people rich.If you are just now learning to trade, you are really at an advantage. That’s because you won’t have to unlearn any bad habits.And if you are already a successful trader the secrets you are about to get access to will make you an even better trader.I put together an easy-to-follow, step-by-step blueprint for making a full-time living trading the Forex market. If you follow the plan, it will be hard for you to fail.It’s taken over a decade to develop what I believe to be the ultimate method for taking the average person from zero to making large amounts of money in the shortest amount of time.It is a combination of the perfect system, the most accurate indicators on the planet, and the knowledge of how to trade with the least amount of risk.Professional traders know that what makes traders wealthy is not making Big, five-figure trades. Those are great when they do come along, and it’s fun to watch your account grow by tens of thousands of dollars in a single day.
However, the real secret to making lots of money trading is managing risk
That’s why a big part of this method involves being in Zero-risk trades, or free trades, as often as possible.It takes much of the fear out of trading that causes both losses and stress.It also focuses on keeping your losers small and your winners big. If you have been trading for any time at all you know that is far easier said than done. I believe I’ve discovered a consistent way of doing just that, though, and it’s easy if you just follow the rules of the Tradeonix Pro system.If you trade the system the way you will be shown, you could lose over half your trades and still make a boatload of cash every month.Imagine for a minute what it would feel like to see your account grow substantially each and every month.Even if you are starting out with a small account of just a couple hundred dollars it could quickly grow into much more.I’ll never forget the day I watched my account hit my dream goal. It’s a rush you will never forget and I want to help you experience it as soon as possible.I know there are those who just want to make an extra $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 a month to supplement their income or retirement.Most people, though, got into trading because they want to make a fortune and retire early.I know of nothing else where the average person can make this much money starting out with a small investment and do it in a short amount of time.Where do you want to be a year from today? And even five years from today.Think about how fast the years go by. If you look back even five years it probably seems like yesterday. Yet five years from now where will you be?
- How about retired with enough money to travel and enjoy life?
- Maybe have a nice vacation condo somewhere warm so you can enjoy the winter in comfort while those who don’t have the guts to go after their dream freeze their butts off.
- Maybe it’s just about taking the stress out of your life that a lack of money brings. Like wondering how you will put your kids through college or worrying if you will have enough money when you retire.
- Maybe you are like me and just want to make a comfortable six-figure income trading from home.
What I do know is, that I and my team, are here to help you achieve your goal of being a financially independent trader and have helped thousands of people from every walk of life over the years.Some of them have made fortunes while others are just making a good respectable income from trading and no longer need a traditional job in order to live a comfortable life.The greatest part of being a successful trader is the freedom it gives you…I know of nothing else where a laptop and an Internet connection have made so many people millionaires.Trading can be like being on a permanent vacation in a lot of ways. You can trade for an hour or two a day and make more money than people who kill themselves at a job they don’t even like.See, with trading it’s not about the number of trades, but rather the quality of the trades.In fact, overtrading is why most rookies fail.If you have been trading a while and aren’t making any real money at it, you can get discouraged. And then it becomes hard to believe you can succeed at this.That self-doubt will sabotage your success faster than anything.Today you can put all those doubts to rest for good. Because soon you will realize it was just a few things you were missing that were holding you back.If you don’t change how you are trading, though, your results won’t change.If you want to start making money trading then you simply have to do the things that those who do make money are doing. It’s really that simple.Before you know it you could be making more money than you ever have while putting in far less effort.Remember what I said about traders who make the most money loving the game? That’s exactly how I see trading. As a game. I would rather trade than play any game on earth.And when I am not trading I like to talk about trading, learn about trading, and teach others about trading.I often think about how lucky I am to do something I enjoy and make a really good living at it.And that’s what I want for you.
- My team and I have taught over 10,000 people how to make money trading and am sure we can help you.
- We have been paid thousands of dollars per hour to teach people at hedge funds how to be better traders.
- We have written books on trading.
- We have over tens of thousands of people who follow our trading on Facebook alone.
I don’t say any of this to brag. If you have worked with us in the past, then you know we are pretty humble guys. I just want you to know that we are uniquely qualified to help you become an even better trader.Because I have gone from a rookie trader who struggled just to not lose money to never needing worry about money again.What we have learned about trading over the past decade and more could shortcut your learning curve by years and save you untold amounts of money and time.If you have worked with us in the past then you know the motto we live by:
No One Gets Left Behind
What this means is that when you start working with me to become a consistently profitable, and even a wealthy trader, I will never give up on you.My team and I will work as hard as you do to make sure you succeed.You can ask any of the thousands of people we have worked with. Every one of them will tell you that we put your success ahead of our own and hold nothing back that we feel might help you succeed.We have built what I think is the best reputation in the business. Which, quite frankly, isn’t that hard to do, considering the overabundance of trading hacks and crooked marketers claiming to be experts. People who couldn’t buy lunch at McDonalds with their lifetime trading earnings.We just look at things differently I guess. To me the only thing as exciting as a bunch of winning trades overflowing my account with cash is when someone I am helping has it happen to them.You should see some of the celebrations and outright tom foolery that ensues in our members’ area when someone starts seeing their first big winning trades overflow their account with greenbacks. It’s a party to say the least.Most of the time it’s a pretty serious place. Us traders are mostly loners who want to focus on making money. However, every now and then you just have to have some fun.The fact is that we get a lot of satisfaction in helping other traders. I guess we remember how hard this was for us in the beginning and want it to be easier for others.
Because once you make the breakthrough to being able to make a lot of money just by placing a few trades and are able to repeat the process most anytime you want, it changes your world
People I talk with who have never traded think I am involved in the scam of the century. They just can’t wrap their heads around being able to make this much money, this easily, and have it be perfectly legal.Others think I am some kind of a financial savant. They see how I live, and that I never go to work or on business trips, and ask me if I went to Harvard or Wharton, to become some kind of financial genius.When I tell them I just learned this at home they really get confused. Personally, I love messing with them.It doesn’t matter if you are just getting started or have been trading for years. The information you will find inside the private members’ area I have created for Tradeonix Pro members is second to none.I have carefully selected the information that could help you make money. It’s all in there.I want you to have easy access to anything and everything you could ever need to make as much money as possible trading.I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.First, let’s look closer at how this can help you…If you are new to trading this is what makes the Forex market so much better than any other market.
“Round The Clock Opportunities For You To Profit!”
- The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, allowing traders from all over the world to make money whenever they like. While certain times offer bigger opportunities than others, there is most always a market open and generating cash-rich trading opportunities that will fit your busy lifestyle.
- Trade from anywhere in the world. As long as you have a laptop and an Internet connection, you can plug into this cash-guzzling system any time you like from anywhere you want.
- You don’t have to quit your job to get started. Do it in the evening or on the weekend in your spare time. In fact, most traders do trade just part time. Even though I don’t have a job outside of trading, I still often only trade an hour or two a day.
- With more than 5 trillion dollars being traded every day, there’s always a profitable trade opportunity waiting for you!
“Affordable No Matter How Tight Your Budget Is”
Unlike other markets that require you to make large investments, with FOREX you can start trading a live money account with as little as $100, allowing anyone to take advantage of the huge potential to profit.You probably spend that on dinner out for two and a movie! With FOREX, the playing field has been levelled. The big financial institutions have no more advantage to make big profits than you do.
“Take Your Cash Profits Immediately”
While other types of investing require you to hold, with the hopes of long- term prosperity, with FOREX you collect profits daily.Get into a trade with high potential for profit. Get out of it safely and pocket the cash. It’s that fast.
“Forex Makes Money In All Types Of Market Conditions”
While some stock investors cringe when there’s a lot of uncertainty and volatility in the market, FOREX traders can profit very well during those times. In fact, the more volatility in the market, the better the chances for big profits.As long as one currency in a pair is worth more than the other, which is always the case, there is always an opportunity to make big cash.Instead of being at the mercy of high volatility, you can leverage it to make big cash profits!
Why Tradeonix Pro is the only system you should trade the Forex Market with…“Simple To Both Learn And Trade”
The beauty of Tradeonix Pro lies in its sheer simplicity.
- There’s no need to spend hours reading complex charts like other systems. In fact, you could only glance at one of the easy to read indicators and know whether or not it’s a trade you should take.
- You could literally cover everything else on your screen and a quick glance at this one indicator could lead you straight to the money.
- You could easily learn the system in the morning and be up and trading in the afternoon. That’s because there are only four steps to trading the system, the indicators do all the heavy lifting for you and the rules are simple and easy to understand.
- It provides deadly accurate, crystal clear signals so you know precisely what your entry and exit points are for any and every trade. There is no second guessing your decisions. The system tells you when there is money to be made on a trade and it is seldom wrong.
- Shows you only the signals that have high profit potential so you don’t waste your time chasing down false signals.
“Reduces The Usual Stress Involved With Trading”
- With Tradeonix Pro, there’s no guesswork involved. Which greatly reduces the stress traders commonly experience with other systems. There is no need to sit and analyze a setup because between the clear rules, and what the indicators are telling you, you will know on every setup whether or not it is a trade you should take.
- It has a verifiable win ratio of 83%, so your your confidence level will soar, knowing that more of your trades will be profitable. And yet, if you were to win only 35% of your trades, you could still make money every month because of the way it reduces risk on every trade.
- The system works best when trading with the trend, it helps you to minimize your risk substantially and take more highly profitable, easy money trades. It targets what we call the low hanging fruit by always zeroing in on where the trend is headed and capitalizing on it.
- The top secret custom indicators locate potentially profitable trades with such precision. it’s almost like having a GPS pointing the way to all the cash. They are the most accurate indicators ever made.
- It’s designed to help eliminate emotional trading and over-trading. Something traders can get caught up in that can wipe out their account faster than anything.
- It helps you get in and out of trades before the market can turn against you, so you have more wins, fewer losses and bigger cash profits.
- Tradeonix Pro predicts market behavior with a high degree of accuracy, so you can profit even when they’re extremely volatile, giving you more safe, high profit trade opportunities than other investment strategies.
- Money and trade management are built into the system. Even if you have struggled with this in the past it is going to become easy as pie to make smart decisions that could equal big gains on every trade. This is the key to limiting risk which is the key to becoming wealth.
- The system walks you through my secret method of legally cheating the market which greatly reduces losses and gains you bonus pips on most every trade.
- I walk you through a strategy for trailing your stop loss that gets you into free trades and break even trades, so you can still make money on a trade that would have been a big loser trading any other way.
With Tradeonix Pro you don’t only get the best, most proven mechanical trading system ever developed. One that was designed to make busy fund traders millions for their demanding clients. You also get hands-on help every step of the way to insure you are using the system to its upmost ability to make you money.Unlike so many information products that show up at your doorstep leaving you to figure them out on your own, when you access Tradeonix Pro for the first time, that is only the beginning of all we will do together to make you an independent, wealthy trader.You will come out of this program with all the knowledge and expertise of a highly paid professional fund trader, but won’t have all the stress they live with in working with other people’s money.Instead you will be using these ninja tactics to grow your own fortune.It’s kept simple and effective, no fluff or long boring theory that never amounts to anything anyway.You could be pulling cash out of the market at a rapid fire pace while those learning complicated systems are still trying to understand the rules.One of the things I hear from traders, especially if they are new or struggling to make any money is this…They tell me that it does look like a great system. The proof is solid and they can see that it definitely works.But they just aren’t sure it can work for them.That’s just unnecessary self-doubt. Yet it keeps more traders from realizing success than just about anything.The way Tradeonix Pro is designed it can’t work for one person and not another. Not unless you are just ignoring or changing the rules.The entire system was designed to be a fool proof method of trading. The idea was that anyone should be able to learn it in a short amount of time and immediately start seeing winning trades.
That’s why it’s been kept simple and made as a step-by-step process. You just follow the clear instructions like you were putting a desk together. Step 1, step 2, step 3, etc.
Think about it. If you had 20 people in a room and they were all putting together the same desk, were using exactly the same tools, and each person followed the instructions exactly, all of the desks would look exactly the same.Everyone who follows the system rules should all get the exact same results from the system.Because you will have complete instructions and all the tools you need. No secrets are held back, everything is shared.The goal is to take you from where you are today with your trading to consistently making money trading each and every month in the shortest time possible.I have a confession to make…I make a lot of money trading every single month. I feel like I have perfected my own personal trading and it is making me quite wealthy at this point.Yet I am still not as happy as I know I could be.That’s because I have this burning desire to be remembered as the guy who helped more people achieve their trading dream than anyone else on earth.You can call it ego if you want, but it’s much more than that. I really enjoy working with other traders, and when I am able to help them make a big breakthrough and see them start making money on a regular basis it gives me a feeling that is just hard to describe.Forex has given me a life I couldn’t even imagine and I feel compelled at this point to give something back. To help you achieve the success I have.That’s why you can ask anyone who has worked with us what no one gets left behind means and they’ll tell you it’s a promise you can take to the bank. A promise to do everything we can to help you become successful. We’ll never give up on you.Myself, and the whole team with me, are constantly helping traders while expecting nothing in return.This is why we have thousands of followers on Facebook
People know we are not only qualified, but also always willing to help them become better traders.Today I hope you will let us help you discover how easy making money trading can actually be when you have the right system, tools and knowledge.Maybe you want to see some more live trade videos, I know I would. Watch this system in action a bit more so you can see just how simply this make money…
See Proof Of Making Money
No Matter What Level You’re At Right Now, Even If You Have Never Made A Dime Trading, This System Could Transform You Into A Trading Pro And You Could Start Making Money Right From Day One!
The key to your success with this system is the sheer simplicity of it.When you are over-run with indicators it can become a huge distraction and make it confusing as to when you should be trading. That’s why this system uses only the things that are truly necessary, and nothing more!Your success will be boosted by the suite of top secret custom indicators that combine data from the micro trend, the medium, trend and the long term trend, all in one easy to use dashboard.
And the new custom heatmap indicator will help you visualize everything in milliseconds!This system is the pinnacle of all my years of knowledge and insight as a professional trader and combines all that knowledge into a simple yet highly potent system that’s incredibly accurate and highly effective at extracting huge sums of cash from the markets.In fact, it is so advanced that you could trade this system without ever having to even look at the price chart!
You Could Make An Absolute Killing With This System Without Ever Having To Look At The Price The Most Accurate Trade Entry Signals We’ve Ever Developed!
So what do you get?You are going to get what I consider to be the safest, most accurate and most profitable way of trading that’s ever been made available to the public. Coupled with a targeted risk reduction strategy so that even when you lose some trades (which is to be expected with any form of trading) the losses should always be a mere fraction of the initial 1%-2% that you risk on every trade.When you actively reduce the size of the losing trades (while at the same time squeezing as much profit from the winning trades as humanly possible) the inevitable result is that your trading balance could grow faster than you ever could imagine.On most trades you could quickly find yourself in zero-risk situations if you follow my trade management strategy to the letter. And don’t worry, this is made super easy for you to execute like a professional, even if you are new to trading.Everything is broken down into clear, step-by-step bite-sized chunks of actionable information.Which makes it possible to make money on up to 83% of trades!
This clear, step-by-step, easy-to-understand trading system will be broken down into bite-sized chunks of highly actionable information so you can quickly start making money on up to 83% of trades!
Top Secret Instruction Manual
Description of “Tradeonix”
TradeOnix – Forex course developed by Russ Horn. System for any currency pair with any TF. Tradeonix system has trend following and reversal entry types. This is manual trading system. Activation is required after installation in mt4 (activation code is included in the package)
take a look video below:
Basic tools/indicators – TRS- (time remaining/spread), Heat Map, TBS (trend bias short), TBM (trend bias medium), Switch, TBL (trend bias long), Tetragram (position to which the activation code belongs), Arrow Panel and Market Time.
Rule entries: (to be described in the user manual)
1. conservative entry… TBM TBL TBS One-way… Wait for a retracement with an arrow direction and then enter
2. Entry Aggressive… Arrows appear one-way TBM HTF Entry
3. SL on the last swing high/low or opposite TBM TBL… TP adjusts with its risk or after the opposite arrow appears
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Packages include
Tradeonix System Indicator
User and activation manual (must read)
Trading manual
It is in here where you will discover the real secrets to making massive profits when you trade.
Not only will you access the secret custom indicators that make Tradeonix the accurate, powerful and easy to trade system it is…
Here’s why the Tradeonix mega-system
is the only one you’ll ever need and
why it’s makes making money easy!
updated and refreshed ex4
Everything you will ever need to make mountains of cash trading is included in one clean, easy-to-use interface.
There’s no need to have dozens of indicators. It just confuses things and makes it harder to trade profitably.
That’s why I created a suite of only the essential custom indicators that work together like a precision diamond cutter, carving out profitable trades with ease, repeatedly, over and over again.
Let’s take a closer look at the indicators on the price chart itself first.
The TRS indicator is simple, yet it saves you so much time.
No matter what time frame you look at, this indicator will tell you how much time is remaining before the current candle closes.
When you are looking for your next profitable trade, you can often be waiting on the close of a candle to give you the rock solid entry signal you’re looking for.
Rather than having to work it out yourself, this just makes your life a whole lot easier and frees you to be doing other, more important things.
And the second part of this indicator tells you the LIVE spread for any currency pair you are looking at.
When I’m scanning through currency pairs, one of the first things I check is the spread because if it’s high for some reason, then you are best moving onto another currency pair.
Well, the spread is how much you have to pay to trade that pair. Let’s say the spread was sitting at 10 pips and you made a profitable trade, banking 50 pips. You would actually only win 40 pips of profit.
So, this lets you quickly rule out currency pairs when the spread is high.
There’s no point in making your job harder than it has to be and this simple tool saves you so much time. It lets you focus on the best money opportunities at all times.
The Heatmap
The heatmap is a special visual representation of what’s going on with the four main indicators.Inside the manual, you’ll be given a secret key that shows you different heatmap combinations that result in the highest probability of making serious money.When you know the easy heatmap combinations to look for, this makes it very easy to assess a currency pair fast.
If the heatmap looks good, then it’s worth looking closer for a potential trade! Such a timesaver!
The TBS is a very specific kind of trend indicator that is custom designed to give you not only a very accurate trade entry signal, it also acts as an early warning signal of non-tradeable conditions.
Avoiding a trade during non-tradeable conditions is just the same as putting money in your pocket.
This will help keep your win ratio even higher by cutting away most of the losers.
When you trade using the unique Tradeonix style, this finely tuned indicator maximizes things on both ends.
It increases the money you could make on each trade and reduces the losing trades.
That’s a real win win situation right there!
The TBM is another powerful custom indicator, this time tuned for a different purpose.
- I can’t tell you exactly what it tracks, right here, that’s reserved for VIP Tradeonix members only and is only revealed once you become a member. However, I will tell you that this gives you a strict instruction on whether to go long or short. This saves any guesswork on your part so you can focus on collecting the profits.
- This part of the system also gives you exact instructions for the optimum stop loss level. Tradeonix uses a secret stop loss technique that causes a mathematical principle to work in your favor which causes your losses to be massively reduced. The risk:reward ratios will be heavily weighted to your benefit when you use this. It will be one of your best friends very soon because it’s a crucial key to your success, and the huge profits that could be soon heading your way.
The TB Cloud
The TB Cloud plays a very important role in your overall success using the Tradeonix system.
This custom indicator is designed to measure the momentum in the market at any given time.
When you discover the secret to using this properly, (it’s super easy, you’ll get it in seconds once you see the manual) you will absolutely love it.
If you’ve traded before, you know how sometimes you can find yourself in profit, yet the price has been hovering below your take profit level?
In these situations, traders tend to close the trade early to lock in the profits, out of fear the price will move against them.
How do you know what to do?
Well, if you can see at a glance that the momentum is still strong, then you might even increase your profit target level, to maximize your winnings.
On the opposite side, if you see the momentum has been slowing, then you’ll know whether you’d be as well banking the profits you already have.
This indicator is a gold mine!
Despite how it looks, this isn’t anything like the arrows you might have seen on other trading systems.
This is actually a highly tuned, micro-level analysis engine that is used to alert you to glitches in the price action.
This indicator is VERY sensitive and incredibly Accurate, and there will never be a time you trade without the say-so of this master indicator.
I can’t go deeply into how it works here, again that’s one of the secrets that only members will be initiated into.
All you need to know is this… In no circumstances do you trade without this guy’s say so!
The TBL is a visual representation of a hidden indicator on the price chart. It was custom made to keep the price chart clear of distractions.
The price charts are kept super clean so you can focus on the exact price action tools that make the money for you.
This ensures you always know the longer term trend direction at a glance, and once you discover how to trade using the Tradeonix mega-system, you’ll find that having this information displayed in this manner saves you a mountain of otherwise wasted time.
There’s no need to manually go and check that stuff with Tradeonix.
Easy and simple is one of my motto’s!
The Tetragram
The Tetragram is a special custom hybrid indicator.
It uses a unique combination of factors from the four main Tradeonix indicators, and it reveals hidden money information that is completely invisible to the naked eye.
The secret to how it works is classified to the general public.
However it gives added security to the other trade signals and can also identify false signals that otherwise would be missed.
This is your safety net. Your second opinion.
Some people are never quite sure when to use an aggressive or conservative style of trade.
Well, that won’t be you.
This will tell you exactly which one to use and when!
This alone could be worth tens of thousands of dollars or more for you over the next few years, that’s truly how powerful this is!
Every single part of the Tradeonix system is there for a very specific purpose and all of them work in tandem to produce the amazing results that people have been getting (and you could get) using it!
The Arrow Panel
The arrow panel is like the master hub of the system and is designed to present the most important information you need to know at any given second.
The Pip Value section is really handy, especially for beginners and for people that suck at (or just hate doing) mental arithmetic.
updated and refreshed ex4
Maxinator Pro EA
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Take a look video below:
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We are “EBAY” school, with a lot of experience in sales. Our priority is customer satisfaction, are you our number one priority.We will always be happy to help you with any technical support in the form of installation of our items and give you advice about Brokers with whom we have contracts and you will always receive special benefits, as well as free advice and Forex Strategies from us.
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After purchase,if you don’t receive your download link,you will get it for max.24h (usually few hours)-from 20min to 2 hours,also you will get one popular Item as a gift from us
In the case when you purchase item,and you “get” “instantly”,you will also get one popular Item as a gift from us max.24h (usually few hours)-from 20min to 2 hours
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Features | Product details | |
Compatible with NFA, FIFO and MT4 Build 600+ | Platform: MetaTrader 4 | |
ECN Support | Language: English | |
Perfected For Multiple Pairs | Time Frames: System works with every MT4 TF | |
Works With Any MT4 Trading Brokerage | Trading Time: Any time | Recommended London and New York sessions | |
Unlimited Licenses For All Your MT4 Accounts | Currency pairs: Any pairs | Recommended major pairs + indexes | |
No Trading Experience Required | Purchase includes: Indicators | Templates | |
US Brokers | Non-US Brokers | Trading Accounts: Unlimited | |
No Trading Account Limitations | License: Unlimited | |
Popup Alerts | Indicators (Unlimited) | |
No Minimum Leverage Required | ||
* instant delivery (email inbox/account dashboard) |
I want to repeat that the system is very effective. It will definitely help you achieve your financial goals whatever they are.
Fast delivery within 24 hours
I’m reseller of unlocking digital good’s
I’m not a trader
All indicator’s,FX strategies and EA’s are working and unlocked for use
Please note: I do not give refunds based on the performance of the product. There are many factors that can affect the performance and results of the product such as brokers, internet connection and the experience of the user. You are receiving a working product that has been tested and all sales are final.
no returns accepted for any reason
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